Alternative title: Our brain’s love story with stories.
Our love of stories runs deep. We have been telling stories since before we were even farming. We are born storytellers. We love stories so much that we as humans actually have very little ability to resist a good story. This is good news for us as business owners using the Story Strategy.
Let’s get a little science-y for a sec, don’t worry I’ll still make it fun. Did you know that large portions of the brain are literally devoted to forecasting/predicting the future? It’s called the neocortex and it’s what makes you think about things like What if my paycheck doesn’t come through…what if there’s traffic…what if they say no…etc.
When we’re listening to a story, it allows our brain to stop having to think ahead into the future and day dream about a million things. The story does the daydreaming for us. People are able to give their full attention to the story and what you have to say. This has even been proven with brain scans that have shown that the brain is able to focus on the story like how the brain fully focuses in a life or death situation.
Now THAT is powerful.
The story does the daydreaming for us. People are able to give their full attention to the story and what you have to say.
So if you organize your branding, website, and marketing through the elements of 2000 years of best practices in storytelling, you’re going to get more attention. People are going to be more engaged because they don’t have to think so hard and they understand the subconscious language that your brand is speaking.
When you just give someone a set of propositions and a lot of information, they feel like they’re being persuaded. This results in them have a natural cognitive resistance. But when you tell someone a story, they become wrapped up in that narrative and they place themselves in the shoes of the protagonist.
Story is one of the few ways humans are able to really truly experience another person’s perspective. So you can basically think for your audience and “embed code” into their brain by using this strategy. (I mean this in the most humane, least manipulative way lol)

To learn more about the Story Strategy check out What is the Story Strategy?
Ensure your brand and website do their job to turn heads, increase leads, and catapult you to where you deserve to go. Leave it to the pros and team up with Rothwein Design today!
Here’s What Happens To Our Brains When It Listens To A Story