So I hear you want your audience to actually join your email list so that you can effectively sell to more people…but you’re not really sure how.
You need a lead generator. (AKA a freebie)
This is free a resource that magnetically attracts people to you business and invites them to take action. This is called a transitional call-to-action. (Read 2 CTAs You NEED To Be Using In Your Business to learn more.) Basically a transitional CTA is like asking a potential customer out on a date. You’re not asking them to commit, but you are asking them to spend a little more time with you.
In order to counter the noise in today’s marketplace, your lead generator must do 2 things:
1. Provide high value for your customer.
2. Establish you as an authority in your field.
Need some help coming up with one?
Here’s 5 types of lead generators for all types of businesses:
1. Downloadable Guide
This is a shockingly an expensive way to generate leads. Get specific. If your local market selling produce, offer monthly recipes or tips for attending a garden.
2. Online Course/Webinar
Creating a brief online course or webinar is involved, but it’s also easier than ever. If you’re an expert on something and want to position yourself at such in your marketplace, offer a free training online in exchange for an email address. By doing so, y’all have positioned yourself as an expert and earned your customers trust.
3. Software Demos or a Free Trial
This has worked wonders for many businesses. In the early 90s AOL sent demo CDs in the mail with 1,000 hours of free Internet browsing for 45 days. It worked like a charm. The Internet has changed since then, but the marketing principle remains the same.
4. Free Samples
Blue Apron offers ready-to-cook meals that you can order from home. To generate more leads, Blue Apron credits their customers with free sample meals that they can send to friends and family. A number of them try it and they end up becoming buyers.
5. Live Events
If you’ve ever walked into a large pet store like Petco, you’ve likely seen invitations to free dog obedience classes. Even if you are a smaller operation, hosting a quarterly class is a terrific way to build a small database of qualified customers.
Here’s a handful of quick examples:
“5 Mistakes People Make With Their First Million Dollars” (Downloadable PDF gudie)
“Building Your Dream Home: 10 Things To Get Right Before You Build” (An e-book)
“Cocktail Club: Learn To Make One New Cocktail Each Month” (Monthly email)
“Become A Professional Speaker” (Live event or free online course)
So get to work! Create a freebie that intrigues your audience, provides huge value to them, and establishes yourself as an authority in your market.
Ensure your brand and website do their job to catch your dream customer’s eye, increase leads, hit new income goals, and take your business to a whole new level. Leave it to the pros. Take the first step towards your dream life!
How To Create A Freebie That Grows Your Email List