Call-To-Actions are a VITAL part of not just our websites but our overall marketing. (Read Story Strategy Element 5: Call-To-Action and to learn more about CTAs) The power a simple “Buy Now” button has on your website will blown your mind.
One of best things you can do in your business is to make your calls to action clear and then repeat them over and over again. A lot of us think that our customers can just read our minds. It’s pretty obvious to us that we want them to book the call/place the order/etc, so we assume it’s obvious to them too.
News flash: it isn’t.
There should be a “Buy Now” button (or it’s equivalent to your business- ie. “Book Discovery Call”) in the top right corner of your website and it shouldn’t be cluttered with a bunch of other buttons or text.
The same CTA should be repeated above the fold and in the center of your screen. Add the same CTA button again and again as people scroll down the page.
Businesses that don’t make their CTAs clear are like if you go up to your crush and you say, “Coffee is so good, I drink it all the time.” They’re gonna be super confused and weirded out. Instead you would say “Hey, do you want to get coffee with me sometime. I think you’re a really lovely person and I’d love to take you on a date.”
Moral of the story: People can’t read our minds. They don’t know what we want, even if it seems obvious to us. Stop being so passive in your marketing. You don’t have to make everything sound super poetic either. Just say what you mean and say it well.
I know it might feel like you’re being annoying, over-the-top, and in-your-face when you repeat your CTA and make it stand out on your website but trust me you’re not. Most people think they’re overselling when in reality, their CTAs are falling on their customers ears as more of a whisper.
When we try to sell passively, we communicate a lack of belief in our product. When we don’t ask clearly for the sale, the customer senses weakness and a lack of confidence. It more so feels like we’re asking for charity rather than to change their lives.

Your customer isn’t looking for a brand that needs reassurance; they’re looking for one that has the solutions to their problems and knows it. If we can change our customer’s lives for the better, why shouldn’t we yell it from the roof tops and invite them to do business with us?
We have to clearly invite our customers to take a journey with us or they simple never will.
Ensure your brand and website do their job to catch your dream customer’s eye, increase leads, hit new income goals, and take your business to a whole new level. Leave it to the pros. Take the first step towards your dream life!
The Power Of The “Buy Now” Button