If you have good marketing, it makes people understand what you offer. If you have good branding, it makes people feel a certain way about what you offer.
When you master this, you can create exponential value in your business. Branding is what allowed Starbucks to sell a 50 cent cup of coffee or $4. Here’s how you can do the same:
Create a story. Follow the Story Strategy framework. (Click here to read up on this strategy that I use with all my clients to get them more leads, more sales, and more success.) Make your ideal customer the main character. Identify the problem in their life that’s bothering them and that they want/need to fix. Position yourself as the guide who gives them a plan, shows them the way, and calls them into action. Show them what perils could occur if they don’t decide to work with/buy from you. And cast the vision of success that they’ll obtain after deciding to work with.buy from you.
Identify your “North Star.” What do you stand for? Make sure that every aspect of your brand is loyal to that. If you create a story, an experience, and a solution for your customer with your brand, you will see an astounding reaction that has your customers absolutely in love with your brand and eager to work with/by from you.
Ensure your brand and website do their job to catch your dream customer’s eye, increase leads, hit new income goals, and take your business to a whole new level. Leave it to the pros. Take the first step towards your dream life!
How To Create A BIG Brand(Even With A Small Budget)