Unlock the golden formula for a website that earns trust, hearts, and lands more bookings.
I meticulously build you a website primed for maximum impact, backed with proven insights in marketing and design for the beauty industry.
Gone are the days of waiting 3+ months for a mediocre website. Your business needs to grow! Don’t let a lackluster first impression hold you back.
Get a gorgeous website designed for success and launched in as little as ONE day.
What can I say? Working with Jenna has been amazing. She is ridiculously talented and it felt like she was reading my mind through out this whole process. She took something that means the world to me and took my ideas and made them a reality. 1000/10 would recommend her talents & creativity to anyone looking to update or create their branding. My branding package is so cute/ to die for and so much better than I could have ever imagined. Jenna is so talented and I loved working with her. I will continue to use her services any chance I can get!
I couldn't be happier with the exceptional website design services provided by Jenna. She transformed my vision into a stunning, user-friendly website that perfectly represents my brand. Her attention to detail, creativity, and dedication to ensuring every aspect of the site exceeded my expectations truly sets her apart. Working with Jenna was a breeze, and I highly recommend her services to anyone seeking top-notch web design.
Jenna is so incredibly talented and anyone who works with her will have their expectations completely blown away. The website is polished, elevated, and luxe - you would think it cost thousands more to design. My website has only been live for 3 weeks and I already have 4 discovery calls in the books - with $0 in advertising costs!
Jenna exceeded my expectations in every aspect of this process. I appreciated how organized and easy Jenna made this entire process. She did an excellent job at not only designing my website, but making my website the vibe and aesthetic I wanted- fun, approachable and not overwhelming. I could tell that Jenna really took all the information I told her into consideration when designing my website and it came out beautiful! Her support before, during and even after this process has been amazing.
Jenna captured everything I have ever envisioned for my brand and more!! I've been trying to figure out my branding on my own since I created my business, but nothing was really clicking, and everything I shared on my socials just didn't feel like me. I'm so excited to revamp my business with this new branding and love how easy Jenna made this process! (Seriously, the organization of her branding/website copy workbooks is *chef's kiss*)
1 clear, concise, no fluff video + a BONUS video where I share the secret to how I make my client's websites downright irresistible!
scale your evolving business to new heights
Now let's get this party started!
effortlessly seal the deal
step up your game
grab your dream client's attention
I’m a professional Brand & Web Designer who creates uniquely stunning design that helps salons like you
After years of experience and continuous education, I have acquired the knowledge, talent, and tools to take you from under hyped to the go-to guru that everyone is dying to book an appointment with.