As entrepreneurs, we often get so focused on the details of our company that we forget to step back and understand things from out customer’s POV.
As a result, we talk over our potential customers’ heads in our communication and marketing. This makes them feel confused and so they lose interest, feel insecure, and take their business elsewhere- not necessarily a better one, but one that they understand.
When we learn how to communicate clearly, we stop confusing our customers and start connecting with them. I’m gonna give you 3 practical strategies that you can use to speak clearly, engage with your customers, and grow your business. Let’s dive in!
1. Think about your brand/offer as if you are your ideal client.
How much info do they know about this topic already? What may they not be super educated on or aware of? Do some market research and directly ask this person what they know and aren’t familiar with.
2. Use what you know your ideal client is familiar with to explain.
Explain things in a way that they can relate to and make connections with.
3. Tell them why they should even care.
Our brains don’t want to exert any extra energy so make the benefits of working with you/purchasing from you blatantly obvious. Illustrate your ideal client’s goals and desires and tell them what their life will be like after working together.
Here’s the bottom line: The brand that communicates the clearest, wins.
So simplify your messaging as much as possible. Make it concise and direct. Your audience doesn’t care to search for what you do and how you can help them. Just say it and say it well!
Wanna ensure your brand & website do their job to give killer first impression, increase your sales, and level up your business? Leave it to the pros. Take the first step towards your dreams today!
Why You’re Confusing Your Customers(+ How To Fix It)