Having trouble being seen as an authority figure within your niche? After you read this post you’ll be well equipped with the tools you need to start being recognized as the authority you are.
No matter what you’re selling, if you don’t position your products correctly, you’ll lose credibility and stunt the growth of your business. To own your market, you’re going to have to do this one thing extremely well: be known for solving a very specific problem.

(PS- It may not be the problem you have in mind.)
Any good entrepreneur knows that they need to solve a lucrative problem boldly and well. There’s a bigger problem than the one you’re solving. It’s just a matter of finding it and shouting how you have the solution from the roof tops.
If you want to be successful in your business, you need to own a problem. People only buy things when they have a problem:
“My toilet’s not working…I’ll hire a plumber.”
“Weeds are taking over my lawn…I’ll hire a landscaper.”
“My finances are too complicated and take up all my time…I’ll hire an accountant.”
So if you want your business to grow, you’ve got to own that real estate in your customer’s mind. You need to own the solution to that problem. The best way to do that is to tell people is to say “Okay if you’re struggling with this, you need to buy this.” Be super clear and direct, Don’t be passive in your marketing. People don’t want to have to figure out what you can help them with…ain’t nobody got time for that.
Ask yourself, “What’s the bigger problem here?” And then ask yourself, “Am I perceived as owning the solution to that problem?” “Do I own that mental real estate in people’s minds?” Then figure out the best way to solve that problem. Lastly, TELL YOUR AUDIENCE.
How To Become An Authority In Your Niche